Friday, January 12, 2007

Gone Camping!

Assalamu 3alaykum

Finally Saturday has come along! For the last couple of weeks my friends and I have been counting down the days of the Camp trip we'll be attending tomorrow InshaAllaah! It's only for 2 days & 1 night but we are all still Mega Excited!!

Looks like 2 days packed of fun InshaAllaah. We're going to be going Swimming, bush walking, cannoeing and heaps more. Hopfefully we'll all get to make the most of it. We'll also be having Islamic talks which should be very motivational as well.

And best of all, we are going to have a party as well.. lol Nasheeds and all!! Should be fun as well. Most of us have all our gear packed up and probably won't sleep tonight just dreaming of the camping adventure! :P hehe

So hopefully we'll catch up once I'm back InshaAllaah. Take care of yourselves!!

Wassalamu 3alaykum.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New challenge

Assalamu 3alaykum Every1

I thought these holidays were getting a bit too boring, and at my lame attempt to find a job, it is of no surprise that I haven't gotten anywhere. I know I'm not that desperate, but the money would certainly come in handy for that new Laptop I want to buy! Oh well, we'll see how I go.

So, in the meantime, to kill time, I have decided to join a local Womans Only gym not far by. I'm actually really looking forward to going regularly. My elder brother is getting married in a few months so it wouldn't hurt looking slimmer. Getting healthy & fit is on the top of my list, and seeing as though I have the time I may as well make use of it and go.

Why is it a challenge? Many people I know tend to join the gym then give up after a few weeks. I don't intend to do that InshaAllah, I want to be as dedicated as I can. It may become a bit harder to go often once Uni kicks in, but I'm sure I can manage. A lot of time at uni is spent wasting time with friends, going out etc.

I went today for a workout with one of my friends, we ended up spending more time in the pool though. It's said to hit 38 degrees here today, so thought we'd make the most of it. We tried out the "Weights", which are a bit complicated at first but u soon get the hang of it.

I'm waiting for H2 to come back from overseas so we can go together InshaAllaah! Can't wait! ;)

Yallah, might be off to the beach later.. The beach my family loves to go to is infested with Arabs! It's good though, since you do get to catch up with everyone and that's always lots of fun alhamdulilah.

Catch ya later..

Wassalamu 3alaykum

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

My current Dilemma ! . .

Assalamu 3alaykum

Well seeing as I will be talking about my life.. I bet you'll be happy to know it doesn't only revolve around Marriage! :p

I'm currently studing a science course in a Univesity nearby... About mid-year I thought it was time for a change and I would take a go at applying for a different course in the coming year. So I did.. I applied for a Teaching Degree and got accepted in alhamdulilaah! It's a great opportunity and I know I would enjoy it.

I am having my doubts though, as it would be a new course and there is a chance it would take me longer than just completing my Science degree. I went to an appointent with the University, and there is a chance I could get into 2nd year wish would definitely make my choice easier. But, if not I may stay at my current uni then complete a Dip. Ed once I graduate InshaAllaah.

Whatever happens, alhamdulilah.

So yeh, that's my delimma... the solution will be revealed as soon as the new Uni contacts me sometime this month InshaAllaah. Looking forward to seeing which Uni I'll be studing at!! It's all good.

Yallah I'm off ... Look after yourselves

Wassalamu 3alaykum...

Life . . .

Assalamu 3alaykum..

With every passing day, have you ever stopped to look at what happens around you? I do sometimes, it's quite fasinating actually. Everyone is so caught up in their daily lives, searching for happiness. I mean, through every struggle, we hope that the outcome is one that will be pleasing to us. We sacrifice for those we love in order to find peace from within. Seeing those we love happy often pays off itself as long as we are not left miserible in the long run hey. Alhamdulilah for everything...

Salamz - An Intro into a Muslimah's life

Assalamu 3alaykum all :)

Hope all is good InshaAllaah.

Well , where better to finally introduce myself hey. I'm really glad my friend came up with an idea to create this Blog. Should be a good avenue to post our thoughts. I guess as a teenage Muslimah, we realy do go through alot. Many of us experience pressures from our parents, teachers and also try to bear the pressures of society. That alone is a trial within itself. Undoubtedly, the road to any persons success can only be built upon trust in the Almighty, Knower of the Unseen - Allaah ta3aala.

Life cannot possibly be easy for anyone. No matter who we are or where we come from, we are here for one reaosn only and that is to serve our Lord. He knows what is best for us alhamdulillaah. So when it comes to an issue such as marriage this is a time we must also keep these thoughts in mind. To lay our reassurance in Him knowing nothing can be better for us than what He has decreed.

There are many ups & downs, living in the west, studying as well as keeping on the straight path. Many muslims I've personally seen in the West, go through their study but in the meantime are taken in by what they have been offered to them by this Dunyah. Where it's alot easier to take the "easy way out" than to stick to the Quran & Sunnah of the Rasul (sal Allahu 3alayhi wa sallam) then find a pious spouse to help keep you from being led astray. A huge downside to being brought up in the West is that not many people are as practicing as one may have hoped. There are definitely many levels of Religious people, and to find someone who you can relate to Islamically can prove to be a challenge.

Patience. Yep. One really needs to practice it on this side of the world. It really comes in handy, always. Whether we like it or not nothing will Pass us if has not been written for us. We need to keep in mind that Qadr Allaah masha2a fa3aal. If some1 is meant for you a brick wall from here to the 7 skys will not be able to stand in the way. Everything happens for a reason. We need to be patient. Try not to dwell in the past to much, you'll most like only open unhealed wounds as one may say. ;)

May Allah bring us closer to that which is best for us. Ameen.

One last thing before I leave this InshaAllaah. This blog is going to be shared between H1 and H2. Which means there will be 2 of us posting on here. I think I'm going to be H1 though. :D hehe

Ok till Next time.. Take care

Wassalmau 3alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatu