Friday, October 19, 2007

Just looking

Assalamu 3alaykum,

I'm trying to live up to my promise to continuously keep on blogging, the positive feedback is definitely encouraging! Thank u :)

A certain topic I raised earlier in the year was guys and how I thought some think they are ready for marriage, but they're definitely not because they get "bored" or something along those lines. I never expect to meet the perfect guy, I've accepted that he doesn't exist. :p jk. I know we all make mistakes but from what I had seen at the particular time of my post, it did make me question some guys intention when a girl thought they were interested in marriage.

I'm a strong believer in "it takes two to tango". Meaning most situations I've seen, both parties could have played their cards a little better acknowledging at the same time, that no-one is perfect and you can't put the full blame on just the guy or the girl. So, yes guys can be stupid, but so can girls (believe it or not :P) So while I may feel like venting out some anger towards males in general, I want to make it clear that females would probably be guilty of doing stupid things a lot of the time too.

I just felt like writing that.. I think it's obvious why.. lol

So anyway, less talking, more blogging!

I went to an ALL sisters charity dinner tonight, I must say it was quite enjoyable. I can't remember with the previous ones I've been to very well, but this one was great alhamdulilah. If you're single and a sister, be prepared to meet some potential in-laws!! I've heard many brothers who are interested in marriage like sending their mothers, sisters and family friends alike to these kind of events to "hook them up". Is this true?! I wouldn't be surprised.. hehe.

I actually got two "omg! I can't believe your single?" comments from some sisters. I was a bit confused as I didn't know whether to take that as a compliment or what? I know I'm not old but it's weird how everyone just expects you to be married all of a sudden.. Yeh I wouldn't mind getting married if the right person came along but I wouldn't just settle for anyone who comes a knockin. It was a bit weird I must say and I kind of don't know what comes out of saying that to someone. I'm reading too much into it I know..

I was thinking that when I made this blog, I thought of it was more as a diary to express myself. As a teenager, one of the main hot-topics that would always get us going was marriage so I thought I'd let out those thoughts, it really clears up my mind. It's good writing at night, which is what I think I've always done. I go to sleep with a lot taken off my chest. Good feeling it is.

Hope I made sense today.. Take care - wassalam.


bb_aisha said...

A teenager?! that's so young. they prbly meant how can a lovely girl like u b single. Thats what ppl usually mean:-) guys sending their relatives to a certain annual souk we have here in sa, i was approached twice.the funny thing is they happened a year apart,and both times i was wearing the same scarf.the first time a woman approached me for her friends son. The 2nd time,a woman came up to my friends mum(i was with my frnds family) and wanted to know if she could bring her son home. He's too busy to look himself,and told his mum he'll be happy with whoever she finds. But i declined both:-) g'luck with the search

Path2Bliss said...

Yes a teenager! A few of my friends got engaged/married when I was in high school so it kind of got the idea in a lot of our heads. Good thing or not? I'm not too sure..

How did u decline in a nice way.. I've had a few ladies come up to me expressing interest on behalf of relatives etc. but I always feel bad saying "no thanks" if I'm not interested. I am yet to be interested in someone who comes along whom I don't know.. especially if they're from overseas, not knowing the language or I don't feel we would be compatible.